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2015 London Tour bus prices (Big Bus Tour, The Original Tour, City Tour London & Golden Tours)

This is a follow up to my previous article which was titled ‘2015 prices for tour buses in London.
I decided to write another article on this subject because in the last article I left a tour bus out, which was the ‘City Tour London.’

I have updated the table below, which now includes the City Tour London prices and compares them with their competing tour companies in London. The ones I've included are the daytime tour bus services.

Big Bus Tour
City Sightseeing/The Original Tour
City TourLondon
London Transport Bus services
Adult £32.00
Online £24.99
Child £12.00
Online £12.00
Family £65.99
Online £59.99
All 24 hour ticket
City Sightseeing prices
Adult £30.00
Child £15.00

The Original Tour prices
Adult £29.00
Online £25.50
Child £14.00
Online £12.00
Family £86.00
Online £72.00
All 24 hour ticket
Adult £26.00
Child £12.00
Family £65.00
All 24 hour ticket
£19.00 for One day ticket
Oyster Pay as you go and/or contactless bank card single fare £1.50
Daily Price cap(for buses only)£4.40
One Day Bus Pass £5.00
Zone 1-6 One Day Travelcard
The price caps and Travelcards valid till 4:30 am on the following day.

More information from TFL fares pageTourists can also buy a Visitor Oyster card which provides discount prices.
(Central London Spider Map)
3 routes
6 routes
2 routes
5 routes
Over 30 routes from the spider diagram above

So then, London City Tour is operated by London City Tour Ltd., a subsidiary of the Julià Group. On their Company page it says “The Julià Group is a family business operating in the tourism and transport sectors. It is currently the third-largest tourist bus operator in the world. The Julià Group started operating City Tours over 15 years ago.” I may have helped the company with their publicity because when I did a web search (via Google) for their company name ‘London City Tour’, the first three results that appeared were 'The Original Tour', 'City Sightseeing London' and 'Big Bus tours'. This made it harder to find their website so I searched further and thankfully I managed to find the URL which is

It’s interesting that another Tour bus company has appeared in Central London and the day passes for all of the tour bus services look competitive, but pricey. Personally, I would have used the London Transport Bus services as I have a greater interest in just going from A to B.

If you notice anything else missing in this article then please let me know by adding a comment and don’t forget to follow me on Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest and Google Plus which is @CLondoner92